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Unsere Arbeit

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Driving Awareness and Demand, USA


Normalizing mental health conversations

What: The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) funded studies show that 20% of Americans will experience a mental health condition this year, and 50% will experience one in their lifetime. Health organizations now tell us mental health and physical health come as a pair. Everyone has both, and there’s no shame in realizing you need to take care of your brain. Many people have shared stories, posted on social media and

let the people they care about know they are not alone. But it’s time to do something more. For Mental Health Awareness Month, AFSP set out to bring attention to the need for more mental health resources, funding and support for people across the country. Whereas past Mental Health Awareness Month campaigns focused on jump starting conversations, this year’s campaign doubled-down on action.



This campaign significantly increased attention around the need for more mental health resources. The microsite received 35,000 views in May – a 450% increase from AFSP’s previous campaign microsites. The microsite prioritized various levels of engagement to educate and mobilize users. At the state and federal levels, people were empowered to explore key mental health legislation and use the Public Policy Action Center to contact legislators to support policy change. More than 8,500 platform uses to message representatives and media in support of mental health awareness, access to mental healthcare and mental health education in schools. More than 1,500 Field Advocate sign-ups to bolster AFSP’s advocacy work year-round.


Views in May


Increase in views


Platform uses


Field Advocate Sign-ups

